Erbium [Er] (CAS-ID: 7440-52-0) locate me
An: 68 N: 99 Am: 167.259 (3)
Group Name: Lanthanoid
Block: f-block Period: 6 (lanthanoid)
State: solid at 298 K
Colour: silvery white Classification: Metallic
Boiling Point: 3141K (1529'C)
Melting Point: 1802K (2868'C)
Density: 9.066g/cm3
Shell Structure diagrams | Atomic Radius diagram

Discovery Information
Who: Carl Mosander
When: 1843
Where: Sweden
Name Origin
From Ytterby, Sweden.
Found with other heavier rare earth metals, and in the minerals xenotime and euxenite.
For making photographic filters and as a neutron absorber. Erbium oxide is used in ceramics to obtain a pink glaze.
Metallic erbium in dust form presents a fire and explosion hazard.
Erbium is mostly dangerous in the working environment, due to the fact that damps and gasses can be inhaled with air. This can cause lung embolisms, especially during long-term exposure. Erbium can be a threat to the liver when it accumulates in the human body.